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"just faster in general"
FYI, got the tutorials back in November and they have changed my "EazyDraw Life". After working through the tutorials I learned new techniques, but most importantly improved my workflow (I was drawing full-scale and copying into a scaled title block before). I'm also just faster in general in doing my technical drawings at work. I've also started using it for some web design tasks in my side business.

kudos to the development team

..I would like you to pass on my kudos to the development team for creating one of the best programs I have used on any platform and continuing to enhance EazyDraw in meaningful ways without sacrificing ease of use and/or consistency.

This is one of the very few programs that every time I start it up makes me feel anticipation for the adventure that is to come. Easy enough to use for simple exploratory sketches, yet sophisticated and accurate enough for dimensional drawings, with incredible flexibility for many types and styles of design. Great help system, awesome support materials and even questions answered by a real person on Sunday. What more could anyone want in a 2D drawing package?

And you can quote me on that...

Mark Heyer
former software developer
Download demo for macOS Sequoia through Big Sur. Support tab for older versions of macOS.

"To all the others..."

We appreciate all of the positive feedback that our users send in. They can not all be shown on the web site.

If your comment is not here, it does not mean that it is not appreciated. We can only put up a few, we do rotate. so yours might be included next month. They are all appreciated, the positive feedback (and the purchases) is what makes this project worth the effort.


"... Sure a Picture is worth a 1000 words.....a Drawing is worth a half hour on the phone ..."

After 30 minutes of *try*-ing to explain over the phone and unconvinced that the person at the other end understood, spent 10 minutes with EasyDraw....*herewith*....Don

Example drawing that saved half hour on a phone call.

Don Hourahane - Inventor of Textile Concrete (South Africa)

Don noted that he was trying to explain his idea to an American, so I guess we in America need EazyDraw more than most :-)

"... is both an hommage to the Mac's past and a thoroughly modern updating ..."

I have been a Mac user since 1984, back in the day there was Macdraw, MacDraft, SuperPaint and then Claris CAD.

Then Power PC turned up, Claris disappeared and I was forced into VectorWorks or AutoClunk (sorry AutoCad!) under PC emulation.

My days of serious engineering drawing are over and I went back to an ordinary drawing board and Rotring pens on the basis that all CAD software on the Mac rapidly passed the �1000 mark here in the UK and every upgrade was 20% of the whole package price.

I have some space planning to do as I am moving house, and I longed for a usable, affordable drawing program that did not take weeks to learn the basics and did not cost me more than I had paid for my Mac.

In desperation I searched the Apple Downloads site and found this piece of software which is both an hommage to the Mac's past and a thoroughly modern updating at the same time!!!.

Please don't get taken over by the giants of the software world so your excellent code can be consigned to oblivion or raised in price to the point where only large architectural practices can afford it.

You have restored my faith in the Mac community thank you so much.

Peter Thomas

"... excellent experience - exploring Eazydraw ..."

May I compliment your company on the excellent experience I had recently in exploring what Eazydraw could do and then purchasing the CD version with manual. �The attention to detail in your website was perfect - all the little uncertainties were anticipated and of course the software itself is great. �The inclusion of postage costs in the CD price was a very pleasant surprise and is much appreciated by persons in the antipodes. �The prompt delivery of the package completed a very good experience.

Professor John Wetherall / Western Australia

"I had about given up on graphic programs that almost all made me feel that I was a PC owner..."

I am so happy to have found EazyDraw. I have been with the Mac since 1984 and was even the founding Editor-in-Chief of the old MACUSER Magazine. Back in those days, when the Mac interface was new and all seemed poised for Apple to become the primary computer for business, home and recreation we trumpeted over and over in editorials the sleek design of the Mac human interface. It seemed that the Mac would take over the world. Instead, I am sad to report that I have often in the past few years felt that the world of the PC was taking over the Mac instead. Developers who are interested in selling to both PC and Mac audiences shoehorned PC-style interfaces into the brains and lives of Mac owners. Doing things the Mac way became somehow less important than designing the cross-platform way -- and the devil with what was easy to understand, intuitive to use and Mac-like to enjoy. I had about given up on graphic programs that almost all made me feel that I was a PC owner instead of a Mac enthusiast. Then I discovered EazyDraw and came back not just to using software on the Mac, but was able to come back to the Macintosh Way of Life. Thanks, guys!

Neil Shapiro

"Now I use it for just about everything."

I bought EazyDraw for my home remodeling project. But now I use it for just about everything.

Unidentified user speaking to a group gathered at the EazyDraw booth, London MacLive Expo, Oct 2007.

"...felt like I found my macOS drawing program"

I've been using EazyDraw for some time now. It took me a while to find a replacement for Visio. At first I tried OmniGraffle which is usable, but really geared toward diagramming, rather than true drawing program. When I found EazyDraw I immediately felt like I found my OS X drawing program! The developers have been outstanding in fixing bugs and adding requested features. I can't commend them enough.

HK on MacUpdate

"BTW love the program."

We get this a lot.

"this is the smoothest running most intuitive..."

By the way, this is the smoothest running most intuitive product of its kind that I have used recently. Reminds me of the older Apple drawing products I frequently find myself saying "Yep, that's how I would have expected that to work."


"..last two days generating drawing after drawing..."

"I just wanted to give you another pat on the back I have spent the bulk of the last two days generating drawing after drawing out of EazyDraw. Fabulous!."


"This program is sick."

"I Just wanted to let you know, I am finally getting the hang of it This program is sick, (that means it 'rocks') Much better that plain old paint or draw programs. I like it, there's so much more I can do with it than I ever could with the simple programs."


"awesome program"

Btw, it really is an awesome program and I will be upgrading to the full purchase price here shortly That trial period is also a excellent idea.


"not bloated with a million unneeded tools..."

"its a great product I especially appreciate its simplicity, that its not bloated with a million unneeded tools like Canvas."


"It includes just about every feature that I always wished was available in MacDraw"

EazyDraw is a superb drawing tool, which I chose after years of trying various products putatively capable of filling the gap left by the demise of classic MacDraw.

It is actually capable of maintaining and revising (as needed) under OS X my large archive of MacDraw files.

Prof G' @ Columbia.


What a program! Thanks again! This is far and away the best program I've ever bought!


"Has a definite Mac feel to it and that's a good thing"

Great software for art and sign work. It literally takes minutes to build something that looks good.

I completed my first "masterpiece" over the weekend. Turned out great. The more I use the software, the easier it is to understand/use.


"Yeah, that's how I thought it should work!"

EazyDraw reminds me of my first experience with the Mac back in 1985 (using MacPaint). I've used Adobe Illustrator in the past but I found it frustrating due to the learning curve, thinking that there must be a way to make using all of the powerful features more intuitive. When I was using EazyDraw yesterday, I kept saying, "Yeah, that's how I thought it should work!" each time I used a new tool and was able to rotate, resize or reshape however I wanted with a few clicks of the mouse. Your product is truly incredible.

Dave Norquist - new user


Thanks for the tips, the new version came up - it looks great!! Sending two files that I created literally in minutes (well 30 minutes or so) -- am going to purchase - looking forward to being with you as you grow, many thanks for the help.

Pat. -- demo trial user

"This program is great"

EazyDraw is great, simple and instructions don't take a college degree to understand. It is really helping us get our genealogy chart done in a hurry. We told our family we would have it done by next month.

family tree documenter from Minnesota

"the learning curve being very quick"

.. It is easy to use - the learning curve being very quick. As an all round drawing / illustration/ technical sketching application it is very good and certainly does all that I want from it. I liked it enough to pay the registration fee.


"formerly used Freehand and Canvas (tried Illustrator and hated it)"

I recently purchased the download version of EazyDraw, and I just want to say good job, folks. From the advent of the Mac in 1984 I have done scientific/technical/mathematical illustration in a university setting and on my own, and I have recently been looking for a program that works intuitively and allows me to do diagrams and illustrations the way I think they should be done. I downloaded and test drove a multitude of drawing apps and I have to say that EazyDraw was the only one that worked the way I want it to. I formerly used Freehand and Canvas (tried Illustrator and hated it), and your app does everything they do for a lot less money, and with a much smaller learning curve. Thanks.


"Within one week of intensive work, I have successfully completed two floor plans, 5 interior elevations"

Recent changes in my (architect) husband's health (affecting his ability to draw in the old-fashioned way) make it necessary that I quickly learn to put his presentation sketches into presentable form for his clients. I have never done any computer drafting before, but did a bit with pencil and paper 40 years ago.

Within one week of intensive work, I have successfully completed two floor plans, 5 interior elevations, and am about to start on exterior elevations for one of our clients. Each drawing takes less and less time, as I become familiar with the tools and various settings. We are delighted and excited about using EazyDraw.

My husband is very pleased with the drawings, and would recommend EazyDraw to designers for conceptual drawings. The accuracy of these drawings is so good that they can be sent to our associate who does the large scale architectural construction drawings.

One of the things we do for contractors and owners is to put together an 8.5" x 11" booklet of all critical finishing details. We anticipate using EazyDraw for these drawings, in addition to all the presentation drawings.

EazyDraw is reasonably priced software that is quite capable of producing our architectural drawings!

Jacqueline, a new user.

"(EazyDraw) made the diagrams remarkably painless ..."

I am deeply grateful to your software. I was writing a PhD thesis in mathematics when I bought your product, and it made the diagrams remarkably painless. The knife tool is particularly useful.

Samuel, NYU doctoral candidate.

"...wish I'd got (EazyDraw) sooner ..."

Thanks again for your quick reply. Played around a bit with the knife tool and figured out how to do it. Looks great. Program is terrific, wish I'd got it sooner but better late than never. Thanks again. JJ

"I have so missed having a simple program like MacDraw..."

I tried the demo for less than an hour before I bought the program. its great! I have so missed having a simple program like MacDraw to do scientific drawings and flowcharts. This is perfect! Reminds me of the early days of discovering how cool the old Mac 512 was.

d..c @ children's-harvard


Finally a drawing program that works like what the Mac was created for. Thanks.


"...very intuitive, as it should be for Mac users.."

I found easy draw in the web and it seems to me, that it is a real drawing program, that is really mac like.

I used Mac draw on my mac 15 years ago and i always looked for macdraw for MacOSX.

I am now testing easy draw and i find it is very intuitive, as it should be for Mac users, not comparable to autocad, which i tried on a PC.


Herzig - new user in Deutschland

"...your program is good enough so that you could double the price.."

No request, just a comment. I recently purchased your EasyDraw program and would just like to compliment your company on its qualities. It is very well worth the $115 I paid for it - its excellent for my purposes which range from schematics, organization diagrams and some exotic imaging.

its not my place to advise you but I think your program is good enough so that you could double the price.

Anonymous - post to our web site

This web page designed, created and published entirely with BBEdit and EazyDraw.
EazyDraw, a Dekorra Optics LLC enterprise
Contact: ph +1 608 444 5245 -- mail: N5040 Beach Garden Road, Poynette, WI USA.
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