EazyDraw Raw App For Help EazyDraw Registered Trademark, Dekorra Optics LLC EazyDraw Raw App For Help

EazyDraw Examine Table
Related Information
Easy-Look Inspector
Easy-Look : Graphic
Easy-Look : Gear Menu
Send Command
Painting Order

Easy-Look Outline Table

The lower portion of the Easy-Look panel provides a detailed outline of the graphic elements of a drawing. The outline is ordered top to bottom according to the Painting order of each graphic element. The indentations of the table indicate the hierarchal relationships of each graphic element.

The outline is organized by Layer, Group, and individual Graphic. Elements are listed in the table as they are drawn or painted on the drawing.

The Easy-Look panel is accessed from the Eazy-Look menu command found near the top of the Format main menu. To examine the current drawing, the popup menu at the bottom of the panel is set to the "Top Drawing" selection. To examine a specific drawing, one that is open, select the desired drawing from the popup menu.

Click the disclosure triangle on the left to expand an element to show the nested contents of that element. For example, all graphics on a layer will appear when the Layer’s disclosure triangle is clicked, click again to collapse and hide the nested elements.

When an element is selected in the table, that element is shown at the top of the Easy-Look panel. It is shown just as it is drawn no the primary drawing. The element is auto-sized, so the size as shown on the Easy-Look panel has no relationship to the size on the drawing. The shape is scaled, but the line widths are not, this will usually provide a small visual clue to indicate the size of the element on the main drawing; fat lines hinting that an element is small in size.

It is allowed to drag and drop elements on the outline table. For example, dragging a graphic one line "up" corresponds to "Send Forward" -- both actions have the same result. This makes the outline table a very powerful "Send Tool".

It is allowed to drag and drop elements from the Outline table to other EazyDraw drawings, but not to the originating drawing - the one under inspection by the panel. It is allowed to drag graphics from an EazyDraw drawing to the Outline table, but again - not from the actual drawing under inspection. Use the popup menu at the bottom of the Easy-Look panel to "disconnect" the Easy-Look inspection target from the current active (top) drawing window.

To enter a name for a graphic element, double click on the row of the graphic. A name entry input pane will drop from the top of the Easy-Look palette. Any name may be used, duplicates are allowed.

The columns contain different detailed information concerning the graphic element. The column headings are generally descriptive, indicating the meaning of the values listed. In most cases only the Type and the name of the element will be of interest, in some cases only the type. The panel is easily resized (lower right corner control) to expose or hide this ancillary information. Normally the panel will be used with a narrow size..

The columns may be re-ordered with drag-and-drop. The scrollers are used to view hidden columns and rows.

The right-most column (default setting) is a unique ID associated with every graphic element. This is of interest when locating graphics in their text form in the saved drawing file.

The Property 2 field provides access to an Image’s xLink value. This is an external refernece for the image. This is used with SVG import and export. SVG support images that are external to the drawing and included by reference. Double click on an Image’s Property 2 field to manually enter or edit a xLink.

This outline table is a powerful "selection" tool. Often a drawing will have several graphics placed one on top of the other or several elements with significant overlapping. In these situations clicking on the drawing to select a particular graphic can be tricky. EazyDraw provides several techniques to aid the situation and allow one to click and shift click to select the desired graphic or set of graphics. The Table view makes this task straight-forward even for the most complex of overlap geometries.

Multiple selection of elements in the outline table follow the standard rules and conventions followed on macOS. Things work in with folder tables used in the Finder. Shift-Click to extend a selection to multiple items. Cmd-Shift-Click to add or remove an individual (by not extending) element.

Notice that the ability to drag and drop across all rows of this outline view provides a means to add or remove graphic elements from group graphics. This is supported even if the target group graphic is contained (nested) is another group or even a nested set of groups. Moving graphics from one layer to another is supported as well. The other method to move a graphic from one layer to another is found on the Graphic Details Inspector, the Layer popup near the bottom.