Graph Paper Grid
A Major and Minor grid is available as a drawing aid. Just show, snap or show and snap to the grid. The grids may be printed, or just shown on screen. Across and Down intervals may be different. You may automatically sync grid intervals to the rulers or define them absolute value.
Snap To Point Control
A graphic or group (symbol) has a unique snap-to-point for grid alignment. You may define this point relative to the graphic element's bounds. The snap to point may be defined numerically or assigned to normal positions such as center, top left, bottom right, etc.
Auto Snap to Vertices and Intersections
Snap vertices will automatically seek and position coinciding end points, mid points, corners, centers and other geometrical unique positions associated with a graphic. Vertex snapping will also locate and position at intersections of both lines and free curves. This is highly optimized and performed "live" as graphics are moved or edited.
Any graphic may be used as a guide
Guides do not need to be special lines drawn as guides, any graphic drawn or present on the drawing can be quickly used interactively as a guide for alignment and orientation.
Drawing Guides
Quickly snap and position relative to the center or center lines of a drawing page.
Cloak Graphics
Separate cloaking available for any graphic. Often a rich complex drawing will have too many graphics interferring with snap and alignment actions. Use cloaking to clear this drawing clutter and leave only the key drawing elements for snapping actions.
Extend Trim Cut
Automatic intersection detection provides precise trim or extension of lines, paths, and curves (using end point tangent) with a single command. This capability is supported with both menu commands and interactive use with the Knife tool.
Print - Or Not
The grids may be included in printed results or used only on the screen display. Control is provided to show the grid above (in-front-of) or below (in-back-of) the drawing content.
Tangent and Normal
Snap an orientation at a tangent or normal (parallel or orthogonal) to Bezier curved path. Two methods to interactively define or snap these geometric orientations.
Snap Sounds
When helpful, select and enable a snap sound. Any sound installed on your system is accessible for this action.
Guides Layer
Interactively dommand drag a guide line from any ruler. These guides are automatically installed on a separate drawing layer - with all the convenience and capability associated with a layer organization.